Thursday, June 12, 2008


I'm not sure I will be able to cover everything that has happened to date that I need to, but I will at least attempt to start.

I am a convicted felon serving a sentence for crimes of domestic violence.  I make no excuses for my actions, nor do I attempt to diminish the severity or seriousness of my crimes.  I have no prior convictions, not even a major traffic violation.  I do not have a history of violence.  The crimes I am convicted of were the first I ever perpetrated against my wife in our 13 years of marriage.  I am filled with remorse and sadness for the manner in which I reacted to the situation I was in.  Wrestling with the guilt and pain for the events of the past few months is a daily struggle.

With this journal, I hope to effectively share my experiences and memories.  I will record my thoughts on current challenges and openly dig and sift through the past to perhaps expose the events and circumstances that brought me here.

If anyone happens upon this blog, I am sure I will be read by visitors with both disdain and doubt, perhaps even a few with empathy.  Regardless of the comments or review, I will always be truthful, open and sincere in my writing.  This is my opportunity to learn from my mistakes,  capture the journey and hopefully end up with an expansive document I can always reflect on.  Maybe a reader will learn something about themselves along the way and correct their own course.

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