Monday, October 27, 2008

Wow. Almost Forgot About This

I nearly forgot about this effort. It's been many months since I have made a post here. I'm still in Work Release, still working, still moving forward. I consider myself very lucky to have the opportunity to prove myself worthy; both to my family and the State.

My wife and I have had a few modifications to the NCO. In July we were allowed to talk on the phone and email. In August we were allowed to spend time together in public. Everything on that front is going very well. It's not easy by any means, but I'm using the skills I have picked up in my DV Treatment and they are working quite well.

We're trying to get the whole NCO dropped at this point, to which the DA is objecting. No ruling from the judge yet, but I'm not expecting a miracle. My wife has been doing a great job keeping the home-front under control, despite an occasional breakdown that I am always happy to help her get through.

I'm a little nervous waiting to hear if I will qualify for Daily Reporting on November 10. If not, I'll be finishing my sentence in Work Release on January 26. *sigh* 13 days vs 90. I've served 161 days. Of course, if I even do go to Daily Reporting in 13 days I won't be able to go home until I have finished my DV classes in 11 weeks and the NCO is entirely lifted.

Patience is a virtue. So is gratefulness. I guess things could always be worse.